论文题目 第一作者 发表年度 刊物名称
Molecular basis of Climp63-mediated ER lumen spacing XU L 2023 JOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE
Excitatory nucleo-olivary pathway shapes cerebellar outputs for motor control WANG XL 2023 NATURE NEUROSCIENCE
Structural insights into the assembly and energy transfer of the Lhcb9-dependent photosystem I from moss Physcomitrium patens SUN HY 2023 NATURE PLANTS
The Aging Biomarker Consortium represents a new era for aging research in China REN J 2023 NATURE MEDICINE
A Visual Pathway into Central Complex for High-Frequency Motion-Defined Bars in Drosophila DUAN WL 2023 JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE
Protein-protected metal nanoclusters as diagnostic and therapeutic platforms for biomedical applications ZARE I 2023 MATERIALS TODAY
An intermediate state allows influenza polymerase to switch smoothly between transcription and replication cycles LI HH 2023 NATURE STRUCTURAL & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY
Reductive stress induced by NRF2/G6PD through glucose metabolic reprogramming promotes malignant transformation in Arsenite-exposed human keratinocytes YANG QL 2023 SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
Characterization of cross-reactive monoclonal antibodies against SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2: Implication for rational design and development of pan-sarbecovirus vaccines and neutralizing antibodies LI SB 2023 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL VIROLOGY
Magnetometer-Detected Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Photochemically Hyperpolarized Molecules CHUCHKOVA L 2023 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS