
An auditory hand-proximity effect: The auditory Simon effect is enhanced near the hands

第一作者: Wang, Xiaotao
联系作者: Du, Feng
发表年度: 2021
页: 9
影响因子: 3.91

Visual processing near the hands is altered compared with stimuli far from the hands. Here, we aimed to test whether this alteration can be found in auditory processing. Participants were required to perform an auditory Simon task either with their hands close to the loudspeakers or far from the loudspeakers. Two experiments consistently showed that the auditory Simon effect was enhanced when the hands were close to the speakers compared with far from the speakers. This is consistent with previous findings of an enhanced visual Simon effect near the hands. Furthermore, the hand-proximity effects in auditory and visual Simon tasks (an enhanced Simon effect near hands compared with far from hands) were comparable, indicating hand-proximity effect is reliable across visual and auditory modalities. Thus, the present study extended the hand-proximity effect from vision to audition by showing that the auditory Simon effect was enhanced near the hands compared with far from the hands.
