1960年-1965年 南京大学生物系 学生
1965年-1986年 中国科院心理所助理研究员、副研究员
1986年-1990年 澳大利亚 La Trobe 大学心理系博士
1990年-1992年 澳大利亚 Newcastle大学博士后
1999年-1999年 美国 Michigan 大学,人类发展中心,高级访问学者
1993年-至今 中国科学院心理研究所研究员
1998年-1998年 中国科学院,自然科学奖,二等奖 (第一排名)
1999年-1999年 美国 Michigan 大学,人类发展中心,高级访问学者
2009年-2013年 中国心理学会,心理学报,主编
2011年-至今 发展中国家科学院,院士
澳大利亚 La Trobe 大学博士奖学金 (1986-1989年)
中国科学院自然科学二等奖 (第一排名)(1998年)
Published more than160 scientific papers on the research of Biopsychology and Psychoneuroimmunology and obtained 3 invention patents. The following are the selective publications and patent.
Corresponding Author *
1.Juntao Zhang,Wenjuan Lin*, Mingming Tang , Yawei Zhao, Ke Zhang , Xiaqing Wang , Yingcong Li. Inhibition of JNK Ameliorates Depressive-Like Behaviors and Reduces the Activation of Pro- Inflammatory Cytokines and the Phosphorylation of Glucocorticoid Receptors at Serine 246 Induced by Neuroinflammation. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2020,113, 104580. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2019.104580
2.Ke Zhang, Wenjuan Lin*, Juntao Zhang, Yawei Zhao, Xiaqing Wang, Mei Zhao*. Effect of Toll-like receptor 4 on depressive-like behaviors induced by chronic social defeat stress. Brain and Behavior, 2020 Mar;10 (3):e01525. doi: 10.1002/brb3.1525.
3.Ming-ming Tang,Wen-juan Lin*, Yu-qin Pan, Ying-cong Li. Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 Modulates Hippocampal Microglia Activation in a Neuroinflammation Induced Model of Depression. Front Cell Neurosci.2018, 8;12: 255. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2018.00255.
4.Ya-wei Zhao, Yu-qin Pan, Ming-ming Tang and Wen-juan Lin*. Blocking p38 Signaling Reduces the Activation of Pro-inflammatory Cytokines and the Phosphorylation of p38 in the Habenula and Reverses Depressive-Like Behaviors Induced by Neuroinflammation. Front Pharmacol. 2018, 15;9: 511. doi: 10.3389/fphar. 2018.00511
5. Ming-ming Tang ,Wen-juan Lin*, Jun-tao Zhang, Ya-wei Zhao, Ying-cong Li . Exogenous FGF2 reverses depressive-like behaviors and restores the suppressed FGF2-ERK1/2 signaling and the impaired hippocampal neurogenesis induced by neuroinflammation. Brain, Behavior and Immunity 2017, 66: 322-331
6. Ming-ming Tang, Wen-juan Lin*, Yu-qin Pan, Xi-ting Guan, Ying-cong Li (2016). Hippocampal neurogenesis dysfunction linked to depressive-like behaviors in a neuroinflammation induced model of depression. Physiology & Behavior, 161: 166-173.
7. Guan Xiting, Lin Wenjuan*, Tang minmin. Comparison of stress-induced and LPS-induced depressive-like behaviours and the alterations of central pro-inflammatory cytokines mRNA in rats. PsyCh Journal 2015, 2015; 4(3): 113-122
8. Huanhuan Li, Wenjuan Lin*, Junfa Li, Weiwen Wang. Altered Neurogranin Phosphorylation and Protein Levels are Associated with Anxiety- and Depression-Like Behaviors in Rats Following Forced Swim Stress Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science, 2014, 4: 506-522
9. Yuqin Pan , Wenjuan Lin*, Weiwen Wang, Xiaoli Qi , Donglin Wang, MimmmTang. :The effects of central pro-and anti-inflammatory immune challenges on depressive-like behavior induced by chronic forced swim stress in rats. Behavioural Brain Research. 2013, 247: 232-240
10. Wang Donglin, Lin Wenjuan*, Pan, Yuqin Kuang Xueying, Qi Xiaoli, Sun Han: Chronic blockade of glucocorticoid receptor by RU486 enhances lipopolysaccharide-induced depressive-like behavior and cytokine production in rats. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 2011 25(4): 706-714
11. Xiaoli Qi, Wenjuan Lin*, Donglin Wang, Yuqin Pan, Meng Sun, Weiwen Wang: A role for the extracellular signal-regulated kinase signal pathway in depression. Behavioral Brain Research 2009, 199 : 203–209
12. Xiaoli Qi, Wenjuan Lin*, Junfa Li, Huanhuan Li, Weiwen Wan, Donlin Wang, Men Sun: Fluoxetine increases the activity of the ERK-CREB signal system and alleviates the depressive-like behavior in rats exposed to chronic forced swim stress. Neurobiology of Disease, 2008,31(2):178-285
13. Wenjuan Lin*: The involvement of psychological processes in immunocompetence.. Progress in Psychological Science Around the World .2006,159-166. Psychology Press, England
14. Xiaoli Qi, Wenjuan Lin* , Junfa Li, Yuqin Pan, Weiwen Wang:The depressive-like behaviors are correlated with decreased phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinases in rat brain following chronic forced swim stress. Behavioral Brain Research 2006 ,175 : 233–240
15. Jihuan Chen, Wenjuan Lin*, Weiwen Wang, Feng Shao, Jie Yang, Bairen Wang, Fang Kuang, Xiaol Duani and Gong Ju: Enhancement of antibody production and expression of c-Fos in the insular cotex in response to a conditioned stimulus after a single-trial learning paradigm. Behavioural Brain Research, 2004,154 (2): 557-565.
16. Jingxin Huang, Wenjuan Lin*, Jihuan Chen : Antibody response can be conditioned using electroacupuncture as conditioned stimulus. Neuroreport.,2004,15 (9):1475-1478
17. Feng Shao, Wenjuan Lin*, Wang Weiwen, Washinton Jr WC and Li Zheng: The effect of emotional stress on the primary humoral immunity of rats. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2003, 17(2):153-157
18. Wenjuan Lin*, Nan Sui: Biopsychology research in China. International Journal of Psychology, 2003, 38 (5): 311-322.
19.Singer G, Lin Wenjuan: Psychology tomorrow. The bulletin of the Australian Psychological Society, 12, 1995, 1-4
18.. Wenjuan Lin,, George Singer,Dan Irby: Effect of hypophysectomy and corticosterone implantation on schedule-induced wheelrunning.. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 1990, 35: 739-742
20. Wenjuan Lin, George Singer, John Funder: The action of corticosterone on schedule-induced wheel running. European Journal of Pharmacology, 1989, 171: 9-15
21. Wenjuan Lin, George Singer ,Micheal Papasava: The role of adrenal corticosterone in schedule-induced wheel running. Pharnacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 1988, 30: 101-10
社会应激环境下心理行为特点和心身交互作用 2000.7-2004.12 首席科学家 已完成
中国人亚健康状态综合评估诊断和预测系统 2006.12-2008.12 副组长 已完成
行为条件反射对免疫功能的调节 1994.4-1996.12 负责 已完成
心理行为因素对癌症患者免疫功能的调整及机理研究 1998.1-2000.12 负责 已完成
中枢神经系统与免系统间相互作用(重点基金) 1999.1-2002.12 负责 已完成
脑神经颗粒素在应激诱发行为中作用 2004.1-2006.12 负责 已完成
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细胞因子在应激所致抑郁行为中的作用 2008.1-2010.12 负责 已完成
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