
电 话:86-10-64837096
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2006-2010, 1994-1997:中国科学院心理研究所所长
2006-2012, 1994-1997:心理科学进展主编
2006-2010, 1994-1997:中国科学院心理研究所所长
2006-2012, 1994-1997:心理科学进展主编
Wu, J.H, Duan, H.X , Zhang, K.(2012).The effects of visual imagery on face identification: an ERP study. Front Hum Neurosci, 6(305): .
Carciofo, R., Du, F, Zhang, K.. (2012).Age-related chronotype differences in Chinese, and reliability assessment of a reduced version of the Chinese Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire. Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 10(4): 310-318.
Li, J., Zhang, K. (2012). Coincident orientation of objects andviewpoint-dependence in scene recohntion, PERCEPTUAL AND MOTOR SKILLS, 114(1):301-309.
Ge, Y.,Wu, J. H.,Sun, X.H.,Zhang, K.. (2011). Enhanced mismatch negativity in adolescents with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), International Journal of Psychophysiology, 79(2),231-235.
Wang, L.,Zhang, K.,He, S.,Jiang, Y.. (2010). Searching for life motion signals: Visual search asymmetry in local but not global biological motion processing, Psychological Science, 21(8),1083-1089.
Wu, J. H.,Ge, Y., Shi, Z., Duan, X., Wang, L., Zhang, K.. (2010). Response inhibition in adolescent earthquake survivors with and without posttraumatic stress disorder: A combined behavioral and ERP study. Neuroscience Letters, 486(3): 117-121.
Wang, Z.,Zhang, K.,Klein, R. M.. (2010). Inhibition of return in static but not necessarily in dynamic search, Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 72(1),76-85.
Wang, Y.,Zhang, K.. (2010).Decomposing the spatiotemporal signature in dynamic 3D object recognition. Journal of Vision, 10(10).
Rao, L. L.,Han, R.,Ren, X.-P.,Bai, X.-W. ,Zheng, R., Liu, H., Wang, Z.-J., Li, J.-Z., Zhang, K., & Li, S.. (2010). Disadvantage and prosocial behavior: the effects of the Wenchuan earthquake, Evolution and Human Behavior, 32(1): 63-69.
Yang, J. Z.,Rantanen, E.M.,Zhang, K.. (2010). The Impact of Time Efficacy on Air Traffic Controller Situation Awareness and Mental Workload, The International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 20(1): 74-91.
Li, S.,Rao, L. L.,Bai, X.-W. ,Zheng, R.,Ren, X.-P., Li, J-Z., Wang, Z-J., Liu, H., & Zhang, K.. (2010). Progression of the Psychological Typhoon Eye and Variations Since the Wenchuan Earthquake, PLoS ONE, 5(3): e9727.
Li, J.,Zhang, K. (2009). Regional differences in spatial frame of reference systems for people in different areas of China. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 108(2): 587-596.
杨家忠, 张侃.(2008). 空中交通管制员情景意识的个体差异.人类工效学, 14(2): 12-14.
杨家忠, 曾燕, 张侃, Rantanen EM. (2008). 基于事件的空中交通管制员情景意识的测量, 航天医学与医学工程, 21(4): 321-327.
宋国萍, 张侃, 苗丹民, 皇甫恩. (2008). 不同时间的睡眠剥夺对执行功能的影响. 心理科学, 31(1): 32-34.
王治国, 张侃. (2008). 空港安检中的视觉搜索. 人类工效学, 14( 1): 64-66.
秦宪刚, 张侃. (2007). 空间线索任务中影响反应准备的因素. 人类工效学.6: 60-62, 68.
秦宪刚, 张侃. (2007). 反应准备方式对空间线索作用的影响. 人类工效学, 13(3): 7-9,13.
秦宪刚, 张侃. (2006). 刺激空间特征和反应位置对线索效应模式的影响.人类工效学, 12(1): 7-10.
徐毅斐, 张侃. (2006). 电脑呈现灰度图形搜索和比较任务影响因素的研究,人类工效学, 12(1): 20-23.
周佳树, 张侃. (2006). 动觉信息和无关运动对人的路径整合能力的影响, 人类工效学, 12 (3).
周永垒, 张侃. (2006). 潜艇人员心理素质测评项目的建构研究, 人类工效学, 12(1): 43-45.
宋国萍,赵仑,张侃. (2006). 连续 10h 驾驶对听觉非随意注意影响的 ERPs 研究. 航天医学与医学工程, (2).
宋国萍, 苗丹民, 皇甫恩, 张侃. (2006). 睡眠剥夺对词汇背景记忆的影响. 中国心理卫生杂志, (4).
Wu, J.H, Duan, H.X , Zhang, K.(2012).The effects of visual imagery on face identification: an ERP study. Front Hum Neurosci, 6(305): .
Carciofo, R., Du, F, Zhang, K.. (2012).Age-related chronotype differences in Chinese, and reliability assessment of a reduced version of the Chinese Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire. Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 10(4): 310-318.
Li, J., Zhang, K. (2012). Coincident orientation of objects andviewpoint-dependence in scene recohntion, PERCEPTUAL AND MOTOR SKILLS, 114(1):301-309.
Ge, Y.,Wu, J. H.,Sun, X.H.,Zhang, K.. (2011). Enhanced mismatch negativity in adolescents with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), International Journal of Psychophysiology, 79(2),231-235.
Wang, L.,Zhang, K.,He, S.,Jiang, Y.. (2010). Searching for life motion signals: Visual search asymmetry in local but not global biological motion processing, Psychological Science, 21(8),1083-1089.
Wu, J. H.,Ge, Y., Shi, Z., Duan, X., Wang, L., Zhang, K.. (2010). Response inhibition in adolescent earthquake survivors with and without posttraumatic stress disorder: A combined behavioral and ERP study. Neuroscience Letters, 486(3): 117-121.
Wang, Z.,Zhang, K.,Klein, R. M.. (2010). Inhibition of return in static but not necessarily in dynamic search, Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 72(1),76-85.
Wang, Y.,Zhang, K.. (2010).Decomposing the spatiotemporal signature in dynamic 3D object recognition. Journal of Vision, 10(10).
Rao, L. L.,Han, R.,Ren, X.-P.,Bai, X.-W. ,Zheng, R., Liu, H., Wang, Z.-J., Li, J.-Z., Zhang, K., & Li, S.. (2010). Disadvantage and prosocial behavior: the effects of the Wenchuan earthquake, Evolution and Human Behavior, 32(1): 63-69.
Yang, J. Z.,Rantanen, E.M.,Zhang, K.. (2010). The Impact of Time Efficacy on Air Traffic Controller Situation Awareness and Mental Workload, The International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 20(1): 74-91.
Li, S.,Rao, L. L.,Bai, X.-W. ,Zheng, R.,Ren, X.-P., Li, J-Z., Wang, Z-J., Liu, H., & Zhang, K.. (2010). Progression of the Psychological Typhoon Eye and Variations Since the Wenchuan Earthquake, PLoS ONE, 5(3): e9727.
Li, J.,Zhang, K. (2009). Regional differences in spatial frame of reference systems for people in different areas of China. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 108(2): 587-596.
杨家忠, 张侃.(2008). 空中交通管制员情景意识的个体差异.人类工效学, 14(2): 12-14.
杨家忠, 曾燕, 张侃, Rantanen EM. (2008). 基于事件的空中交通管制员情景意识的测量, 航天医学与医学工程, 21(4): 321-327.
宋国萍, 张侃, 苗丹民, 皇甫恩. (2008). 不同时间的睡眠剥夺对执行功能的影响. 心理科学, 31(1): 32-34.
王治国, 张侃. (2008). 空港安检中的视觉搜索. 人类工效学, 14( 1): 64-66.
秦宪刚, 张侃. (2007). 空间线索任务中影响反应准备的因素. 人类工效学.6: 60-62, 68.
秦宪刚, 张侃. (2007). 反应准备方式对空间线索作用的影响. 人类工效学, 13(3): 7-9,13.
秦宪刚, 张侃. (2006). 刺激空间特征和反应位置对线索效应模式的影响.人类工效学, 12(1): 7-10.
徐毅斐, 张侃. (2006). 电脑呈现灰度图形搜索和比较任务影响因素的研究,人类工效学, 12(1): 20-23.
周佳树, 张侃. (2006). 动觉信息和无关运动对人的路径整合能力的影响, 人类工效学, 12 (3).
周永垒, 张侃. (2006). 潜艇人员心理素质测评项目的建构研究, 人类工效学, 12(1): 43-45.
宋国萍,赵仑,张侃. (2006). 连续 10h 驾驶对听觉非随意注意影响的 ERPs 研究. 航天医学与医学工程, (2).
宋国萍, 苗丹民, 皇甫恩, 张侃. (2006). 睡眠剥夺对词汇背景记忆的影响. 中国心理卫生杂志, (4).
Li, J.,Zhang, K,Sun, X.. (2009). Effect of demographic variables on driving safety. Proceedings of International Conference on Transportation Engineering, 2, 966-971.
Wang, Y.,Xue, L.,Li, J.,Zhang, K.,Sun, X. H.. (2009). A cognitive tool to predict individual accident proneness of vehicle drivers. Proceedings of International Conference on Transportation Engineering, 2: 1238-1243.
Yang, f.,Zhang, K,Sun, X.. (2009). Behavior Analysis of Traffic Accidents with High Fidelity Driving Simulator, International Conference on Transportation Engineering, 4: 3231-3235.
Lu, X.L.,Sun, X. H.,Zhang, K. (2009). Executive control influenced by the time course of alerting effect. Proceedings of International Conference on Transportation Engineering,4: 3578-3583.
Xu, X. G.,Ge, Y.,Sun, X. H.,Zhang, K. (2009). Influences of On-Road Driving Fatigue, Mental Workload on Drivers’ Performance. Proceedings of International Conference on Transportation Engineering, 2: 1523-1529.
Xu, X. G.,Sun, X. H.,Zhang, K. (2009). Spatial Categorization and Computation - Empirical Evidence from Artificial Label. International Conference on Natural Computation, 2: 93-98.
Lin, H.,Zhang, K.. (2009). Why not See: Inhibition on Distractors. International Conference on Natural Computation, 5: 261-265.
Yan Ge, Xianggang Xu, Jing Li,Xiuling Lu, and Kan Zhang. (2007). The effect of secondary task on driving performance, physiological indices and mental workload: A study based on simulated driving. ICTE 2007 conference proceedings.
Ning Liu, Kan Zhang, Xianghong Sun. (2007). The measurement of driver's mental workload: a simulation-based study. ICTE 2007 conference proceedings.
Xueqin Hao, Zhiguo Wang, Fan Yang, Ying Wang, Yanru Guo, and Kan Zhang. (2007). The Effect of Experience and Gender of Drivers’ on Situation Awareness and Mental Workload. ICTE 2007 conference proceedings.
Xueqin Hao, Zhiguo Wang, Fan Yang, Ying Wang, Yanru Guo, and Kan Zhang. (2007). The Effect of Traffic on Situation Awareness and Mental Workload: Simulator-based Study. HCII2007 conference proceedings.
Li, J.,Zhang, K,Sun, X.. (2009). Effect of demographic variables on driving safety. Proceedings of International Conference on Transportation Engineering, 2, 966-971.
Wang, Y.,Xue, L.,Li, J.,Zhang, K.,Sun, X. H.. (2009). A cognitive tool to predict individual accident proneness of vehicle drivers. Proceedings of International Conference on Transportation Engineering, 2: 1238-1243.
Yang, f.,Zhang, K,Sun, X.. (2009). Behavior Analysis of Traffic Accidents with High Fidelity Driving Simulator, International Conference on Transportation Engineering, 4: 3231-3235.
Lu, X.L.,Sun, X. H.,Zhang, K. (2009). Executive control influenced by the time course of alerting effect. Proceedings of International Conference on Transportation Engineering,4: 3578-3583.
Xu, X. G.,Ge, Y.,Sun, X. H.,Zhang, K. (2009). Influences of On-Road Driving Fatigue, Mental Workload on Drivers’ Performance. Proceedings of International Conference on Transportation Engineering, 2: 1523-1529.
Xu, X. G.,Sun, X. H.,Zhang, K. (2009). Spatial Categorization and Computation - Empirical Evidence from Artificial Label. International Conference on Natural Computation, 2: 93-98.
Lin, H.,Zhang, K.. (2009). Why not See: Inhibition on Distractors. International Conference on Natural Computation, 5: 261-265.
Yan Ge, Xianggang Xu, Jing Li,Xiuling Lu, and Kan Zhang. (2007). The effect of secondary task on driving performance, physiological indices and mental workload: A study based on simulated driving. ICTE 2007 conference proceedings.
Ning Liu, Kan Zhang, Xianghong Sun. (2007). The measurement of driver's mental workload: a simulation-based study. ICTE 2007 conference proceedings.
Xueqin Hao, Zhiguo Wang, Fan Yang, Ying Wang, Yanru Guo, and Kan Zhang. (2007). The Effect of Experience and Gender of Drivers’ on Situation Awareness and Mental Workload. ICTE 2007 conference proceedings.
Xueqin Hao, Zhiguo Wang, Fan Yang, Ying Wang, Yanru Guo, and Kan Zhang. (2007). The Effect of Traffic on Situation Awareness and Mental Workload: Simulator-based Study. HCII2007 conference proceedings.
神经人因学 威肯斯等著,2012,张侃等译,东南大学出版社
神经人因学 威肯斯等著,2012,张侃等译,东南大学出版社