1.Mei Zhao, Jun-Yang Wang, Hong Jia, Jing-Shi Tang. Roles of different subtypes of opioid receptors in mediating the ventrolateral orbital cortex opioid-induced inhibition of mirror-neuropathic pain in the rat. Neuroscience 2007; 144: 1486-1494.
2.Mei Zhao, Jun-Yang Wang, Hong Jia, Jing-Shi Tang. Mu- but not delta- and kappa-opioid receptor mediates the ventrolateral orbital cortex -evoked anti-allodynia in a neuropathic pain model of rats. Brain Res. 2006; 1076(1):68-67.
3.Mei Zhao, Qiang Li, Jing-shi Tang. The effects of morphine microinjection into thalamic nucleus submedius on formalin-evoked nociceptive responses of neurons in the rat spinal dorsal horn. Neuroscience letters 2006; 401:103-107.
4.Mei Zhao, Zhang-Yin Zhang, Hai-feng Zhai, Yi Qiu and Lin Lu. Effects of stress during reactivation on rewarding memory. Neuroreport 2007; 18:1153-1156.
5.Wang XY, Zhao M, Ghitza UE, Li YQ, Lu L. Stress impairs reconsolidation of drug memory via glucocorticoid receptors in the basolateral amygdala. J Neurosci. 2008 May 21;28(21):5602-10.
6. Li YQ, Li FQ, Wang XY, Wu P, Zhao M, Xu CM, Shaham Y, Lu L.Central amygdala extracellular signal-regulated kinase signaling pathway is critical to incubation of opiate craving.
J Neurosci. 2008 Dec 3; 28(49):13248-57.
6.Weiping Tian, Mei Zhao, Min Li, Tianbao Song, Min zhang, Quan Li, Shengbin Li, Zhong Sheng Sun. Reversal of cocaine-conditioned place preference through methyl supplementation: altering global DNA methylation in the prefrontal cortex.Plos One 2012;7(3):e33435 (Co-first author)
2. 心理健康院重点实验室重点课题,“青少期应激诱导成年抑郁行为的BDNF表观遗传调控机制”,2012.1-2013.12
3. 国家自然科学基金项目重大研究计划培育项目,“应激影响青少年情绪和认知发展的BDNF调控机制及早期干预研究”,2012.1-2014.12