
曾任中国心理学会医学心理专业委员会委员、秘书、副主任。加拿大British Columbia注册临床心理咨询师。中德高级心理治疗师家庭治疗组首届学员。
1:Zhang,Y., Ho,S.M.Y (2011):Risk factors of posttraumatic stress disorder among survivors after the 512 Wenchuan Earthquake in China. PLoS ONE. 6(7),e22371.
2:Chen,Z.,Zhang,Y.,Zhang,N.,Liu,Y.,and Dyregrov,A(2012). The Children’s Revised Impact of Event Scale (CRIES) with children and adolescents exposed to debris flood: validity and
factor structure. PLoS ONE, 7(8),e41741(通讯作者)
3:Wang,L.,Shi,Z., Zhang, Y., and Zhang,Z.(2010). Psychometric properties of the10-item Connor–Davidson Resilience Scale in Chinese earthquake victims. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 64: 499–504. (通讯作者)
4:Zhang,Y., Kohnstamm,G.Slotboom,A,Elphick,E.,Cheung,P.C.(2002). Chinese and Dutch Parents' perceptions of their child's personality. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 163(2),165-178.
5:Zhang,N.,Zhang, Y., Wu, K., Zhu, Z., & Dyregrov A, (2011). Factor Structure of the Children’s Revised Impact of Event Scale with Children and Adolescents Survived the 2008
Sichuan Earthquake in China. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology,52,236-241. (通讯作者)
6:Zhang, Y., Kohnstamm,G.A., Cheung,P.C., Lau,S. & (2001).A new look at the old “Little Emperor”: Developmental changes in the personality of only children in China. Social
Behaviour and Personality, 29(7), 725-732.
7:Zhang, N., Zhang, Y.Q., Zhang, T.Y., Wu, K.K. (2010). Look into the mind or look at the eyes: A comparison of Chinese and Westerner's Beliefs of Lies. 2010 IEEE 2nd Symposium on Web
Society (SWS), 522 – 528. (EI, 通讯作者)
8:Liu, Y., Chen Z., Zhang,Y.,Zhang,N., and Wu,K. The development of a Chinese PTSD inventory for natural disaster victims, PLoS ONE, (Submitted),(通讯作者)
9:Zhang,N., Zhang, Y..:Posttraumatic growth among adult survivors of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. Journal of Traumatic Stress. (Submitted),(通讯作者)
10:Leslie A. Rescorla,etc. (2012). Cross-Informant Agreement Between Parent-Reported and Adolescent Self-Reported Problems in 25 Societies Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology,41 , DOI: 10.1080/15374416.2012.717870
11:A World of Lies: The global deception research team. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 37 (1), 60-74. (注:关于欺骗行为的75个国家的跨文化合作研究)
12:Wang,L., Zhang,Y.Wang,W.etc.(2009): Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder among adult survivors three months after the Sichuan earthquake in China, Journal of Traumatic Stress, 22, (5),444-450.
13:Ke, X., Ye,X.,Xu,Y.,Shen,M.Gao,X.,Zhang,Y.(2007). Sensation seeking scales and traits delineating personality disorders in a sample of Chinese students. Personality and Individual Differences 42(2),271-278.
14:Li,H.,Wang,L.,Shi,Z.,Zhang,Y.,Wu,K.,Liu,P.(2010). Diagnostic utility of the PTSD in Chinese earthquake victims,. Psychological Reports, 107(3),733-739.
15: Wang,L., Zhang,Y., Shi,Z.,WANG,W.(2009). Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disdoder among adult survivors two months after the Wenchuan earthquake. Psychological Reports, 105,(3),879-885.
16:Li, S., Taplin, J.E., & Zhang, Y. (2007).The equate-to-differentiate’s way of seeing the prisoner’s dilemma. Information Sciences. 177(6), 1395-1412.
17:Wang, L., Li.Z.,Shi,Z,Zhang,Y. Shen, J.(2010). Factor structure of acute stress disorder symptoms in Chinese earthquake victims: A confirmatory factor analysis of the acute stress disorder scale. Personality and Individual Differences,48,798-802.
2:张雨青(1999). 运用Thomas和Chess家长和教师问卷对我国儿童气质结构的因素分析,中华儿科杂志, 37(3),139-143.
3:张雨青(1999):基于父母知觉的儿童人格结构及其发展的研究, 心理学报, 31 (2),177-189.
5:景晓娟,张雨青(2004):药物成瘾者人格特点的研究进展, 心理学科学进展,12(1),67-71.通讯作者
6:张雨青, 查子秀等(2003):托尼非文字智力测验(TONI-2)的初步修订, 心理科学 26(2), 330-333.
7:王静,张雨青,Patrick W. L. Leung(2005):Achenbach 12-18岁青年自评量表在北京的测试结果,中国临床心理学杂志, 13(2)131-133,通讯作者
8:王静,张雨青,Patrick W. L. Leung(2005):三种常用行为评价量表应用于北京中学生的结果比较,中国心理卫生杂志,19(9)621-625。通讯作者
9:吴坎坎, 张雨青, 张宁, 刘寅,陈正根,王力(2010):震后极重灾区创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的探索性和验证性因素分析,中国临床心理学杂志, 18(1),60-62.通讯作者
10:张宁,张雨青,吴坎坎(2011):信任的心理和神经生理机制,心理科学, 34(5) 1137-1143,通讯作者
13:张亭玉,张雨青:说谎行为及其识别的心理学研究(2008),心理科学进展,4,31-35, 通讯作者。
14:张宁,张雨青(2010):性格优点:创造美好生活的心理资本,心理科学进展,18(7), 1161-1167,通讯作者)
15:刘寅,陈正根,张雨青,张宁(2011): 创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)民族差异的回顾与展望,心理科学进展,19(10),1511-1517. 通讯作者
16:陈正根,张雨青,刘寅,张宁,吴坎坎(2011):不同民族创伤后应激反应模式比较的质性研究——汶川地震后对羌汉幸存者的访谈分析。中国临床心理学杂志,19(4),503-511. 通讯作者
17:徐佳,施建农,张雨青(2005):美术专业工作者的人格特质研究,中国临床心理学杂志,13 (4),420-422.
2:Chen,Z.,Zhang,Y.,Zhang,N.,Liu,Y.,and Dyregrov,A(2012). The Children’s Revised Impact of Event Scale (CRIES) with children and adolescents exposed to debris flood: validity and
factor structure. PLoS ONE, 7(8),e41741(通讯作者)
3:Wang,L.,Shi,Z., Zhang, Y., and Zhang,Z.(2010). Psychometric properties of the10-item Connor–Davidson Resilience Scale in Chinese earthquake victims. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 64: 499–504. (通讯作者)
4:Zhang,Y., Kohnstamm,G.Slotboom,A,Elphick,E.,Cheung,P.C.(2002). Chinese and Dutch Parents' perceptions of their child's personality. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 163(2),165-178.
5:Zhang,N.,Zhang, Y., Wu, K., Zhu, Z., & Dyregrov A, (2011). Factor Structure of the Children’s Revised Impact of Event Scale with Children and Adolescents Survived the 2008
Sichuan Earthquake in China. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology,52,236-241. (通讯作者)
6:Zhang, Y., Kohnstamm,G.A., Cheung,P.C., Lau,S. & (2001).A new look at the old “Little Emperor”: Developmental changes in the personality of only children in China. Social
Behaviour and Personality, 29(7), 725-732.
7:Zhang, N., Zhang, Y.Q., Zhang, T.Y., Wu, K.K. (2010). Look into the mind or look at the eyes: A comparison of Chinese and Westerner's Beliefs of Lies. 2010 IEEE 2nd Symposium on Web
Society (SWS), 522 – 528. (EI, 通讯作者)
8:Liu, Y., Chen Z., Zhang,Y.,Zhang,N., and Wu,K. The development of a Chinese PTSD inventory for natural disaster victims, PLoS ONE, (Submitted),(通讯作者)
9:Zhang,N., Zhang, Y..:Posttraumatic growth among adult survivors of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. Journal of Traumatic Stress. (Submitted),(通讯作者)
10:Leslie A. Rescorla,etc. (2012). Cross-Informant Agreement Between Parent-Reported and Adolescent Self-Reported Problems in 25 Societies Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology,41 , DOI: 10.1080/15374416.2012.717870
11:A World of Lies: The global deception research team. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 37 (1), 60-74. (注:关于欺骗行为的75个国家的跨文化合作研究)
12:Wang,L., Zhang,Y.Wang,W.etc.(2009): Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder among adult survivors three months after the Sichuan earthquake in China, Journal of Traumatic Stress, 22, (5),444-450.
13:Ke, X., Ye,X.,Xu,Y.,Shen,M.Gao,X.,Zhang,Y.(2007). Sensation seeking scales and traits delineating personality disorders in a sample of Chinese students. Personality and Individual Differences 42(2),271-278.
14:Li,H.,Wang,L.,Shi,Z.,Zhang,Y.,Wu,K.,Liu,P.(2010). Diagnostic utility of the PTSD in Chinese earthquake victims,. Psychological Reports, 107(3),733-739.
15: Wang,L., Zhang,Y., Shi,Z.,WANG,W.(2009). Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disdoder among adult survivors two months after the Wenchuan earthquake. Psychological Reports, 105,(3),879-885.
16:Li, S., Taplin, J.E., & Zhang, Y. (2007).The equate-to-differentiate’s way of seeing the prisoner’s dilemma. Information Sciences. 177(6), 1395-1412.
17:Wang, L., Li.Z.,Shi,Z,Zhang,Y. Shen, J.(2010). Factor structure of acute stress disorder symptoms in Chinese earthquake victims: A confirmatory factor analysis of the acute stress disorder scale. Personality and Individual Differences,48,798-802.
2:张雨青(1999). 运用Thomas和Chess家长和教师问卷对我国儿童气质结构的因素分析,中华儿科杂志, 37(3),139-143.
3:张雨青(1999):基于父母知觉的儿童人格结构及其发展的研究, 心理学报, 31 (2),177-189.
5:景晓娟,张雨青(2004):药物成瘾者人格特点的研究进展, 心理学科学进展,12(1),67-71.通讯作者
6:张雨青, 查子秀等(2003):托尼非文字智力测验(TONI-2)的初步修订, 心理科学 26(2), 330-333.
7:王静,张雨青,Patrick W. L. Leung(2005):Achenbach 12-18岁青年自评量表在北京的测试结果,中国临床心理学杂志, 13(2)131-133,通讯作者
8:王静,张雨青,Patrick W. L. Leung(2005):三种常用行为评价量表应用于北京中学生的结果比较,中国心理卫生杂志,19(9)621-625。通讯作者
9:吴坎坎, 张雨青, 张宁, 刘寅,陈正根,王力(2010):震后极重灾区创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的探索性和验证性因素分析,中国临床心理学杂志, 18(1),60-62.通讯作者
10:张宁,张雨青,吴坎坎(2011):信任的心理和神经生理机制,心理科学, 34(5) 1137-1143,通讯作者
13:张亭玉,张雨青:说谎行为及其识别的心理学研究(2008),心理科学进展,4,31-35, 通讯作者。
14:张宁,张雨青(2010):性格优点:创造美好生活的心理资本,心理科学进展,18(7), 1161-1167,通讯作者)
15:刘寅,陈正根,张雨青,张宁(2011): 创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)民族差异的回顾与展望,心理科学进展,19(10),1511-1517. 通讯作者
16:陈正根,张雨青,刘寅,张宁,吴坎坎(2011):不同民族创伤后应激反应模式比较的质性研究——汶川地震后对羌汉幸存者的访谈分析。中国临床心理学杂志,19(4),503-511. 通讯作者
17:徐佳,施建农,张雨青(2005):美术专业工作者的人格特质研究,中国临床心理学杂志,13 (4),420-422.
国家自然科学基金(面上项目), 2011,01-2013,12, 为主持人。
2: 震后心理应激反应的民族差异及其社会心理模式,中科院心理所科学发展研究基金, (2009-2011),为主持人。
4: 交通拥堵对驾驶者焦虑情绪的影响及其干预的研究, 美国箭牌公司横向课题