2010.2 至今,副研究员,中国科学院心理研究所,脑与认知科学国家重点实验室
1. 鲁上,刘烨*,傅小兰. (2013). 头部朝向在社会性注意转移中的作用. 心理科学进展. 21(2), 211-219.
2. Lu, S., Liu*, Y., & Fu, X. (2012). The social attention shifts triggered by supraliminal and subliminal gaze-head direction cues. In: J. Lei et al. (Eds.): AICI 2012, Communications in Computer and Information Science series, 315, 57–64.
3. Liu*, Y. J., Fu, Q., Liu, Y., & Fu, X. (2012). 2D-line-drawing-based 3D object recognition. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7633, 146-153.
4. Sun, Y. H., Wang, Z., Liu, Y., & Fu*, X. L. (2010). Naturally-formed objects categorized as artifacts: Effect of objects' functional depictions. Chinese Science Bulletin, 55(4-5), 398-402.
5. 孙宇浩, 王哲, 刘烨, 傅小兰*. (2010).物体功能抑制自然的成因对人造物分类的影响. 科学通报, 55(02), 148-153.
6. Liu, Y., Fu, Q. F., & Fu*, X. L. (2009). The interaction between cognition and emotion. Chinese Science Bulletin, 54(22): 4102-4116.
7. Cui, Z., L., Zhang*, J. J., & Liu, Y. (2009). Language Selection in Naming Task: Role of Language Similarity Effect——Evidence from Tibetan-Mandarin Bilinguals. Japanese Journal of Clinical Educational Psychology, 26(1), 33-45.
8. 刘烨, 付秋芳, 傅小兰*. (2009). 认知与情绪的交互作用. 科学通报, 18, 2783-2796.
9. 刘烨, 陶霖密, 傅小兰. (2009). 基于情绪图片的PAD情感状态模型分析. 中国图象图形学报, 14(5):753-758.
10. Liu, Y. & Fu*, X. L. (2009). The interaction between Chinese university students’computer use and their attitudes toward computer in learning and innovation. D.D. Schmorrow et al. (Eds.): Augmented Cognition, HCII 2009, LNAI 5638, pp. 620–629, 2009. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009.
11. Shang, J. C., Fu*, X. L., Liu, Y., & Luo, C. M. (2009). The role of trait anxiety in the interaction between eye gaze and facial expressions. Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Natural Computation. Tianjing, China, 14-17 August, 2009.
12. 陈文锋,禤宇明,刘烨,傅小兰*,付秋芳. (2009). 创伤后应激障碍的认知功能缺陷与执行控制:5.12 震后创伤恢复的认知基础. 心理科学进展,17(3), 610-615.
13. Shang, J. C., Liu*, Y., & Fu, X. L. (2008). Dominance modulates the effects of eye gaze on the perception of threatening facial expressions. Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 17-19 September, 2008.
14. Tao, L. M., Liu, Y., Fu, X. L., & Cai, L. H. (2008). A Computational Study on PAD based Emotional State Model. Proceedings of the 26th ACM CHI Conferences on Human Factors in Computing systems, Florence, Italy, 5-10 April, 2008.
15. Liu, Y., & Fu*, X. L. (2007). How Does Distraction Task Influence the Interaction of Working Memory and Long-Term Memory? In D. Harris (Ed.): Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics, HCII 2007, LNAI 4562, pp. 366–374, 2007. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.
16. 刘烨, 傅小兰. (2006). 概念语义特征提取的范畴效应. 心理科学. 29(2): 286-289.
17. 刘烨, 傅小兰. (2005). 特征类型在组合概念范畴效应中的作用. 心理学报. 37(4): 450-457.
18. 刘烨, 傅小兰. (2005). 概念组合的理论模型. 心理科学进展. 13(1): 17-26.
19. 刘烨, 傅小兰, 孙宇浩. (2004). 中文新异组合概念的解释及影响因素. 心理学报. 36(3): 265-273.
1 张航, 孙宇浩, 禤宇明, 刘烨译. Forde和Humphreys编著. 脑与心智的范畴特异性. 北京:商务印书馆, 2007年4月出版.
2 刘烨. 认识人类的情感. 计算机世界, 2007, 第5期 (总1129期), B12.
3 刘烨. 健康跟着情绪走. 百科知识, 2003, 第6期 (总287期), 27-29.
1 Liu, Y., Wei, L., & Fu, X. L. (2008). Application of Generalizability Theory in Estimating the Inter-rater Reliability of Emotional Assessment. International Journal of Psychology, 43(3/4), 108.
2 刘烨,傅小兰. (2007). 隐喻理解过程中喻体的语义通达. 生物化学与生物物理进展, 34卷 增刊2: 30.
3 刘烨, 傅小兰. (2006). 组合概念解释过程中基于领域的推理. 生物物理学报, 22卷 增刊2, 27.
4 Liu, Y., & Fu, X. L. (2006). Do emergent features reflect creativity in conceptual combination? Oral presentation at 26th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Athens, Greece, July 16-21, 2006.
5 刘烨, 傅小兰. (2005). 实体概念的特征分布与特征提取的范畴特异性. 生物物理学报, 增刊: 64
6 Liu, Y., & Fu, X. (2004). Category-specific effect on interpretation of conceptual combination. International Journal of psychology, 39(5/6), 295.
7 Liu, Y., Fu, X., & Sun, Y. (2004). Chinese university students' attitudes toward computer: A structural equation model. International Journal of psychology, 39(5/6), 352.