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4. Guo, L.Y.*, Lin, W., Zhang, Y.D., Li, W.H. and Wang, J#. (2019) BEST: a web server for brain expression Spatio-temporal pattern analysis. Bmc Bioinformatics, 20.
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6. Qu, S.S*., Du, Y., Chang, S.H., Guo, L.Y., Fang, K.C., Li, Y.Z., Zhang, F.C., Zhang, K.L. and Wang, J#. (2017) Common variants near IKZF1 are associated with primary Sjogren's syndrome in Han Chinese. Plos One, 12.
7. Wang, J.L*., Qu, S.S., Wang, W.X., Guo, L.Y., Zhang, K.L., Chang, S.H#. and Wang, J.# (2016) A combined analysis of genome-wide expression profiling of bipolar disorder in human prefrontal cortex. J Psychiatr Res, 82, 23-29.
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9. Zhang, K.L., Chang, S.H., Guo, L.Y. and Wang, J#. (2015) I-GSEA4GWAS v2: a web server for functional analysis of SNPs in trait-associated pathways identified from genome-wide association study. Protein Cell, 6, 221-224.
10. Guo, L.Y.*#, Du, Y. and Wang, J#. (2015) Network analysis reveals a stress-affected common gene module among seven stress-related diseases/systems which provides potential targets for mechanism research. Sci Rep-Uk, 5.
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13. Zhang, W.N.*, Chang, S.H., Guo, L.Y., Zhang, K.L. and Wang, J#. (2013) The neural correlates of reward-related processing in major depressive disorder: A meta-analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging studies. J Affect Disorders, 151, 531-539.
14. Guo, L.Y.*, Zhang, W.N.*, Chang, S.H.*, Zhang, L.Y., Ott, J. and Wang, J# (2012) MK4MDD: A Multi-Level Knowledge Base and Analysis Platform for Major Depressive Disorder. Plos One, 7.
15. Zhang, K.L., Chang, S.H., Cui, S.J., Guo, L.Y., Zhang, L.Y. and Wang, J.# (2011) ICSNPathway: identify candidate causal SNPs and pathways from genome-wide association study by one analytical framework. Nucleic Acids Res, 39, W437-W443.