2018至今, 中国科学院心理研究所,健康与遗传心理学研究室,副研究员
2017 Wiley-IPCAS Prize, Excellence in Psychological Science
2017 Young Investigator Award, the 16th International Congress on Schizophrenia Research (ICOSR) conference, San Diego, US
2014 Young Investigator Travel Award, the 4th Schizophrenia International Research Society (SIRS) conference, Florence, Italy
(1) Wang, Y., Li, Z., Liu, W., Wei, X., Jiang, X., Lui, S. S. Y., So, S. H.W., Cheung, E. F. C., Debbane, M., & Chan, R. C. K. (2018). Negative Schizotypy and Altered Functional Connectivity During Facial Emotion Processing. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 44, S491–S500. https://doi.org/10.1093/schbul/sby036
(2) Wang, Y., Liu, W. H., Li, Z., Wei, X. H., Jiang, X. Q., Geng, F. L., Zou, L. Q., Lui, S. S. Y., Cheung, E. F. C., Pantelis, C., & Chan, R. C. K. (2016). Altered corticostriatal functional connectivity in individuals with high social anhedonia. Psychological Medicine, 46(1), 125–135. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033291715001592
(3) Wang, Y., Ettinger, U., Meindl, T., & Chan, R. C. K. (2018). Association of schizotypy with striatocortical functional connectivity and its asymmetry in healthy adults. Human Brain Mapping, 39(1), 288–299. https://doi.org/10.1002/hbm.23842
(4) Wang, Y., Liu, W., Li, Z., Wei, X., Jiang, X., Neumann, D. L., Shum, D. H. K., Cheung, E. F. C., & Chan, R. C. K. (2015). Dimensional schizotypy and social cognition: An fMRI imaging study. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 9, 133. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnbeh.2015.00133
(5) Krohne, L. G., Wang, Y., Hinrich, J. L., Moerup, M., Chan, R. C. K., & Madsen, K. H. (2019). Classification of social anhedonia using temporal and spatial network features from a social cognition fMRI task. Human Brain Mapping, 40(17), 4965–4981. https://doi.org/10.1002/hbm.24751
(6) Wang, Y., Yan, C., Yin, D., Fan, M., Cheung, E. F. C., Pantelis, C., & Chan, R. C. K. (2015). Neurobiological Changes of Schizotypy: Evidence from Both Volume-Based Morphometric Analysis and Resting-State Functional Connectivity. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 41, S444–S454. https://doi.org/10.1093/schbul/sbu178
(7) Wang, Y., Shi, H., Liu, W., Xie, D., Geng, F., Yan, C., Wang, Y., Xiao, Y., So, S. H. W., Chiu, C. D., Leung, P. W. L., Cheung, E. F. C., Gooding, D. C., & Chan, R. C. K. (2018). Trajectories of schizotypy and their emotional and social functioning: An 18-month follow-up study. Schizophrenia Research, 193, 384–390. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.schres.2017.07.038
(8) Wang, Y. Y., Wang, Y., Zou, Y., Ni, K., Tian, X., Sun, H., Lui, S. S. Y., Cheung, E. F. C., Suckling, J., & Chan, R. C. K. (2018). Theory of mind impairment and its clinical correlates in patients with schizophrenia, major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder. Schizophrenia Research, 197, 349–356. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.schres.2017.11.003
(9) Neumann, D. L., Chan, R. C. K., Wang, Y., & Boyle, G. J. (2016). Cognitive and affective components of empathy and their relationship with personality dimensions in a Chinese sample. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 19(3), 244–253. https://doi.org/10.1111/ajsp.12138
(10) Liang, Y., Yang, H., Ma, Y., Lui, S. S. Y., Cheung, E. F. C., Wang, Y., & Chan, R. C. K. (2019). Validation and extension of the Questionnaire of Cognitive and Affective Empathy in the Chinese setting. PsyCh Journal, 8(4), 439–448.
(11) Chen, F. Z., Wang, Y., Sun, X. R., Yao, Y. H., Zhang, N., Qiao, H. F., Zhang, L., Li, Z. J., Lin, H., Lu, Z., Li, J., Chan, R. C. K., & Zhao, X. D. (2016). Emotional Experiences Predict the Conversion of Individuals with Attenuated Psychosis Syndrome to Psychosis: A 6-Month Follow up Study. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 818. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00818
(12) Lui, S. S. Y., Hung, K. S. Y., Wang, Y., Ho, K. K. Y., Yeung, H. K. H., Wang, Y., Huang, J., Gooding, D. C., Cheung, E. F. C., & Chan, R. C. K. (2018). Clustering of Schizotypal Features in Unaffected First-Degree Relatives of Schizophrenia Patients. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 44, S536–S546. https://doi.org/10.1093/schbul/sby035
(13) Wang, Y., Deng, Y., Li, Z., Li, X., Zhang, C., Jin, Z., Fan, M., Compton, M. T., Cheung, E. F. C., Lim, K. O., & Chan, R. C. K. (2016). A trend toward smaller optical angles and medial-ocular distance in schizophrenia spectrum, but not in bipolar and major depressive disorders. Psych Journal, 5(4), 228–237. https://doi.org/10.1002/pchj.138
(14) Becker, S., Brascher, A.-K., Bannister, S., Bensafi, M., Calma-Birling, D., Chan, R. C. K., Eerola, T., Ellingsen, D.-M., Ferdenzi, C., Hanson, J. L., Joffily, M., Lidhar, N. K., Lowe, L. J., Martin, L. J., Musser, E. D., Noll-Hussong, M., Olino, T. M., Pintos Lobo, R., & Wang, Y. (2019). The role of hedonics in the Human Affectome. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 102, 221–241. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neubiorev.2019.05.003
(15) Su, L., Huang, Y., Wang, Y., Rowe, J., & O’Brien, J. (2018). Predict Disease Progression with Reaction Rate Equation Modeling of Multimodal MRI and PET. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 10, 306. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnagi.2018.00306
(16) Chan, R. C. K., Yan, C., Wang, Y., Yin, Q. F., Lui, S. S. Y., & Cheung, E. F. C. (2014). Anticipatory and Consummatory Anhedonia in Individuals with Schizotypal Traits. In M. S. Ritsner (Ed.), Anhedonia: A Comprehensive Handbook Volume II: Neuropsychiatric and Physical Disorders (pp. 227–245). Springer Netherlands. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-017-8610-2_10
(17) Neumann, D. L., Chan, R. C. K., Boyle, G. J., Wang, Y., & Westbury R. H. (2015). Chapter 10 - Measures of Empathy: Self-Report, Behavioral, and Neuroscientific Approaches. In G. J. Boyle, D. H. Saklofske, & G. Matthews (Eds.), Measures of Personality and Social Psychological Constructs (pp. 257–289). Academic Press. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-386915-9.00010-3
(18) 郑泓,蒲城城,王毅*,陈楚侨. (2019). 基于脑结构的精神分裂症机器学习分类. 心理科学进展, 28(2), 252–265.
(19) 马燕桃,邵蕾,李志营,于欣,陈楚侨,王毅*.(2017).双相障碍的社会认知研究进展.中华精神科杂志,50,146-148.
(20) 陈楚侨*,王毅.(2015).关注精神分裂症的社会认知研究.中华精神科杂志,48,4-6.