董雪 认知与发展心理学研究室助理研究员
电  话:
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2008.09-2012.06 首都师范大学 学士      
2012.09-2015.06 中国科学院心理研究所 硕士 
2015.09-2018.06 中国科学院心理研究所 博士 
2018.11-2021.10 中国科学院心理研究所岗位博士后(联合培养) 
2021.11-至今 中国科学院心理研究所 助理研究员 
1 视知觉可塑性 
2 视觉相关的多感觉信息整合 
1.Dong, X., Zhang, M., Dong, B., Jiang, Y. and Bao, M.* (2021). Reward produces learning of a consciously inaccessible feature. British Journal of Psychology, Jun 22. Online ahead of print. 
2.Dong, X.*, & Bao, M.* (2021). The growing sensory suppression on visual perception during head-rotation preparation. Psych Journal, 9. 
3.Dong, X.*, Du, X., & Bao, M. (2020). Repeated contrast adaptation does not cause habituation of the adapter. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14:589634.  
4.Dong, X.*, & Bao, M.* (2019). Direction selective habituation of motion adaptation. Journal of Vision, 19(4):6, 1–12.  
5.Dong, X., Bai, J., & Bao, M.* (2017). Robust size illusion produced by expanding and contracting flow fields. Vision Research, 133: 87-94.  
6.Bai, J., Dong, X., He, S., & Bao, M.* (2017). Monocular deprivation of Fourier phase boosts the deprived eye's dominance during interocular competition but not interocular phase combination. Neuroscience, 352: 122-130.  
7.Mei, G., Dong, X., & Bao, M.* (2017). The timescale of adaptation at early and mid-level stages of visual processing. Journal of Vision, 17(1):1, 1–7.  
8.Dong, X.#, Gao, Y.#, Lv, L., & Bao, M.* (2016). Habituation of visual adaptation. Scientific Reports, 6: 19152. (#co-first author) 
9.Mei, G.#, Dong, X.#, Dong, B., & Bao, M.* (2015). Spontaneous recovery of effects of contrast adaptation without awareness. Frontiers in Psychology, 6: 1464. (#co-first author) 
10.Dong, X., Engel, S. A., & Bao, M.* (2014). The time course of contrast adaptation measured with a new method: Detection of ramped contrast. Perception, 43: 427-37.