王志燕 健康与遗传心理学研究室助理研究员
电  话:
传  真:
2006.09-2011.07 河北医科大学 学士     
2011.09-2017.01 北京大学医学部 博士
2018.05-2022.05 清华大学航天航空学院神经调控国家工程研究中心 博士后
2022.08-至今 中国科学院心理研究所 助理研究员
1 侵入式神经调控技术干预心理疾患的模式及调控机制
2 慢性疼痛/抑郁障碍的客观生物标志物识别
3 无创神经调控技术的开发及应用

1. Wang, Z.Y.#, Yuan, X.#, Zhang, Q., Wen, J.L., Cheng, T.Y., Qin, X.Y.,Ji, T.Y., Shu, X.M.*, Jiang, Y.W., Liao, J.X., Hao, H.W., Li, L.M*.Effects of stable vagus nerve stimulation efficacy on autistic behaviors in ten pediatric patients with drug resistant epilepsy: an observational study. Front Pediatrics. 2022, 846301.

2. Ma, J.Y.#, Wang, Z.Y.#, Cheng, T.Y., Hu, Y.B., Qin, X.Y., …, Li, L.M.*, Wu, Y*. A prediction model integrating synchronization biomarkers and clinical features to identify responders to vagus nerve stimulation among pediatric patients with drug-resistant epilepsy. CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics. 2022, Online ahead of print.

3. Wang, Z.Y.#,  Cai, X.D.#,  Qiu. R.R.,  Yao. C.,…,  Li, L.M*. Case Report: Lateral Habenula Deep Brain Stimulation for Treatment-Resistant Depression. Front Psychiatry. 2021, 11:616501.

4. Fan, T.T.#, Zhang. Y.Q.#, Wang. Z.Y.*, Yi. M., Liu. N.Z., Hu. C.H., Luo.L*. Effects of lateral habenula and ventral medial prefrontal cortex deep brain stimulation in rats. Journal of Neurorestoratology. 2022, 10: 43- 51.

5. Wang, Z.Y.#, Yue, L.P., Cui,C.L*, Liu, S.L., Wang, X.W., Li, Y.J.,Ma, L.Y. Top-down control of the medial orbitofrontal cortex to nucleus accumbens core pathway in decisional impulsivity. Brain Struct Funct. 2019, 224(7):2437-2452.

6. Wang, Z.Y.#, Liang. S.X., Yu. S.S., Xie, T., Wang, B.C., Wang, J.K, Li, Y.J., Shan, B.C., Cui, C.L*. Distinct Roles of Dopamine Receptors in the Lateral Thalamus in a Rat Model of Decisional Impulsivity. Neurosci  Bull. 2017, 33(4):413-422.

7. 王志燕#,崔彩莲*. 个体冲动性对物质滥用与成瘾的影响及脑机制. 心理科学进展. 2017, 12: 2063-2074.


* 通讯作者; # 同等贡献
