饶俪琳 社会与工程心理学研究室研究员
电  话:
传  真:

2007-2012 中国科学院心理研究所 博士生

2003-2007 北京师范大学心理学院 理学学士



2012-2022 中国科学院心理研究所 副研究员

2022-至今 中国科学院心理研究所 研究员


2017至今 Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology编委

2017至今 中国心理学会决策心理学专业委员会秘书

2022至今 中国心理学会决策心理学专业委员会副主任

2022至今 《心理科学》编委



以第一作者/通讯作者发表期刊文章列表 (*表示通讯作者)
1.徐红州, 彭学睿, 刘云瑞, 饶俪琳*, 喻 婧* (2023). 老年人描述性和经验性决策改变的不对称性及其神经基础. 心理科学, 46, 394-403
2.Lin, J., Li, N. *, Rao, L.-L. *, Lovreglio, R. (2023). Individual wayfinding decisions under stress in indoor emergency situations: A theoretical framework and meta-analysis. Safety Science, 160, 106063
3.刘洪志, 李兴珊, 李纾, 饶俪琳* (2022). 基于期望值最大化的理论何时失效:风险决策中为自己-为所有人决策差异的眼动研究. 心理学报, 54, 1517-1531
4.Sui, X.-Y., Zhang, M., Yuan, T.-F.*, & Rao, L.-L.* (2022). Impaired outcome evaluation during risky decision-making in individuals with methamphetamine use disorder. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. Doi: 10.1007/s11469-022-00873-3
5.Li, M.-H.#, Zhang, M.#, Yuan, T.-F.*, & Rao, L.-L.* (2022). Impaired social decision-making in males with methamphetamine use disorder. Addiction Biology, e13204. Doi: 10.1111/adb.13204
6.Li, M.-H., Chen, Z., & Rao, L.-L.* (2022) Emotion, analytic thinking and susceptibility to misinformation during the COVID-19 outbreak. Computers in Human Behavior. 133, 107295.
7.Zeng, N., Zheng, H.; Shi, T., Zhang, H., Wang, L.-X., Liang, Z.-Y., Sun, B., Liao Y., Rao, L.-L.*, Yang, B.*, Yuan, T.-F.* (2022). Impaired delay discounting and time sensitivity in Methcathinone use disorder. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00406-021-01372-7
8.Li, M.-H., Li, P.-W., & Rao, L.-L.* (2021). Self–other moral bias: Evidence from implicit measures and the Word-Embedding Association Test. Personality and Individual Differences, 183, 111107
9.Sui, X.-Y.#, Liu, H.-Z.#, & Rao, L.-L.* (2020). The timing of gaze-contingent decision prompts influences risky choice. Cognition, 195, 104077. DOI: 10.1016/j.cognition.2019.104077
10.Zheng, Y., Shen, S.-C., Xu, M.-X., Rao, L.-L.*, and Li, S.* (2019). Worth-based choice: giving an offered smaller pear an even greater fictional value. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 13, e10. https://doi.org/10.1017/prp.2019.4
11.Li, M.-H., & Rao, L.-L.*(2019). Do people believe that they are more deontological than others? Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin45, 1308-1320 Doi: 10.1177/0146167218823040
12.Rao, L.-L., Zhou, Y., Zheng, D., Yang, L.-Q., & Li, S.* (2018). Genetic contribution to variation in risk taking: A functional MRI twin study of the Balloon Analogue Risk Task. Psychological Science. 29, 1679-1691
13.Liu, H.-Z., Li, S., & Rao, L.-L.* (2018). Out of debt, out of burden: The physical burdens of debt. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology76, 155-160
14.Zhao, C-X., Shen, S-C., Rao, L.-L.*, Zheng, R., Liu, H., & Li, S. * (2018). Suffering a Loss is Good Fortune: Myth or Reality? Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. 31, 324-340
15.李明晖, 饶俪琳*(2017). 解释水平视角下的道德判断. 心理科学进展, 25(8), 1423-1430
16.Rao, L.-L., Xu, Y., Li, S., Li, Y., & Zheng, R.* (2017). Effect of perceived risk on nuclear power plant operators’ safety behaviour and errors. Journal of Risk Research. 20,76-84. DOI: 10.1080/13669877.2015.1031267 
17.Li, S., Du, X.-L., Li, Q., Xuan, Y-H., Wang, Y. & Rao, L.-L.* (2016). ERP correlates of verbal and numerical probabilities in risky choices: A two-stage probability processing view. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 9:717. Doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00717 
18.Rao, L.-L., Dunn, J., Zhou, Y., & Li, S.* (2015). The neural correlates of risky decision making across short and long runs. Scientific Reports. 5, 15831. Doi: 10.1038/srep15831
19.Rao, L.-L., Wang, X-T. *, & Li, S. (2015). Investment choice and perceived mating intentions regulated by external resource cues and internal fluctuation in blood glucose levels. Frontiers in Psychology. 5:1523. Doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01523
20.Zhao, C-X., Jiang, C-M., Zhou, L., Li, S., Rao, L.-L.*, & Zheng, R.* (2015). The hidden opportunity cost of time effect on intertemporal choice. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 311. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00311
21.Wang, X. T.*, Li, S.*, & Rao, L.-L.* (2014). Conservation combats exploitation: Choices within an evolutionary framework. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 37, 437-438. DOI: 10.1017/S0140525X13003294
22.Wang, Y.#, Du, X-L.#, Rao, L.-L. *, & Li, S. * (2014). Probability expression for changeable and changeless uncertainties: An implicit test. Frontiers in Psychology. 5:1313. Doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01313 
23.Rao, L.-L., Zhou, Y., Liang, Z-Y., Rao, H., Zheng, R., Sun, Y., Tan, C., Xiao, Y., Tian, Z-Q., Chen, X-P., Wang, C-H., Bai, Y-Q., Chen, S. G., & Li, S.* (2014). Decreasing ventromedial prefrontal cortex deactivation in risky decision making after simulated microgravity: Effects of -6 degree head-down tilt bed rest. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 8, 187. Doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2014.00187 
24.Rao, L.-L.#, Zheng, Y.#, Zhou, Y.*, & Li, S.* (2014). Probing the Neural Basis of Superstition. Brain Topography, 27, 766-770. DOI 10.1007/s10548-013-0332-8
25.Rao, L-L., Liu, X-N., Li, Q., Zhou, Y., Liang, Z-Y., Sun, H-Y., Zhou, R-L.*, & Li, S.* (2013). Toward a mental arithmetic process in risky choices. Brain and Cognition. 83(3), 307–314. DOI: 10.1016/j.bandc.2013.09.009
26.Li, S., Li, Y-R., Su, Y., & Rao, L-L.* (2012). Is an idea different from cake: Can you have it and eat it, too? A violation of permanence in information consumption. PloS ONE, 7, e41490. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041490 
27.Rao, L-L., Li, S., Jiang, T-Z., & Zhou, Y. * (2012). Is payoff necessarily weighted by probability when making a risky choice? Evidence from functional connectivity analysis. PloS ONE, 7, e41048. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041048
28.Rao, L-L., Han, R., Ren, X-P., Bai, X-W., Zheng, R., Liu, H., Wang, Z-J., Li, J-Z., Zhang, K., & Li, S. * (2011). Disadvantage and prosocial behavior: The effects of the Wenchuan earthquake. Evolution and Human Behavior, 32, 63-69. 
29.Rao, L-L.#, Zhou, Y.#, Xu, L-J., Liang, Z-Y., Jiang, T-Z.*, & Li, S.* (2011). Are risky choices actually guided by a compensatory process? New insights from fMRI. PloS ONE, 6(3): e14756. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0014756
30.Rao, L-L. & Li, S.* (2011). New paradoxes in intertemporal choice. Judgment and Decision Making, 6, 122-129.
31.俪琳, 梁竹苑, 李纾* (2009). 迫选规则体验法:检验规范性和描述性风险决策理论的新尝试. 心理学报, 41(8), 726-736. 
32.饶俪琳, 梁竹苑, 李纾* (2008). 行为决策中的后悔. 心理科学, 31, 1185-1188.

