杨紫嫣 社会与工程心理学研究室副研究员
电  话:
传  真:
2009.09-2013.06 首都师范大学 学士
2013.09-2018.06 中国科学院心理研究所 博士
2016.10-2017.09 英国南安普顿大学 访问学者
2018.12-2021.07 中国科学院心理研究所 岗位博士后
2021.08-2023.08 中国科学院心理研究所 助理研究员
2023.09      中国科学院心理研究所 副研究员
1 威胁应对与心理健康
2 社会变迁

蔡华俭, 杨紫嫣. (2022). 自尊. 见 许燕 (编). 社会心理研究(上册) (pp.3-38). 华东师范大学出版社.
Yang, Z., Izuma, K., & Cai, H.* (2023). Nostalgia in the brain. Current Opinion in Psychology, 49, 101523.
Yang, Z., Wildschut, T., Izuma, K., Gu, R., Luo, Y L.L., Cai, H.*, & Sedikides, C. (2022). Patterns of brain activity associated with nostalgia: A social-cognitive neuroscience perspective. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 17, 1137-1144.
Cai, H., Yuan, J., Su, Z., Wang, X., Huang, Z., Jing, Y., & Yang, Z.* (2022). Does economic growth raise happiness in China? A comprehensive reexamination. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 19485506221089804.
Zhang, M., Yang, Z. *, Zhong, J., Zhang, Y., Lin, X., Wang, J., ... & Kong, Y. * (2022). The analgesic effect of nostalgia elicited by idiographic and nomothetic approaches on thermal stimulus. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences1517(1), 167-175.
Zhang, M., Yang, Z., Zhong, J., Zhang, Y., Lin, X., Cai, H.*, & Kong, Y.* (2022). Thalamocortical mechanisms for nostalgia-induced analgesia. Journal of Neuroscience42(14), 2963-2972.
Yang, Y., Cai, H.*, Yang, Z., Zhao, X., Li, M., & Han, R. (2022). Why does nature enhance psychological well-being? A self-determination account. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 101872.
Yang, Z., Sedikides, C., Izuma, K., Wildschut, T., Kashima, E. S., Luo, Y L.L., Chen, J., Cai, H.* (2021). Nostalgia enhances detection of death threat: Neural and behavioral evidence. ScientificReports, 11, 12662.
Yang, Z., Ji, L., Yang, Y., Wang, Y., Zhu, L., & Cai, H.* (2021). Meaning-making helps cope with COVID-19: A longitudinal study. Personality and Individual Differences,174, 110670.
Chen, J., Luo, Y. L., Xie, Y., Yang, Z.*, & Cai, H.* (2021). Oxytocin intensifies the mortality salience effect: Novel evidence for the social salience model of oxytocin. Hormone and Behavior, 129, 104920. 
Xia, L., Xu, P., Yang, Z., Gu, R., & Zhang, D. (2021). Impaired probabilistic reversal learning in anxiety: Evidence from behavioral and ERP findings. NeuroImage: Clinical, 31, 102751.
Yang, Z., Sedikides, C., Yue, X., & Cai, H.* (2020). Sense of home buffers threats to the self. Asian Journal of Social Psychology23, 313-318.
Yang, Z., Sedikides, C., Gu, R., Luo, Y. L.*, Wang, Y., Yang, Y., ... & Cai, H.* (2018). Communal narcissism: Social decisions and neurophysiological reactions. Journal of Research in Personality76, 64-73.
Yang, Z., Sedikides, C., Gu, R.*, Luo, Y. L., Wang, Y., & Cai, H.* (2018). Narcissism and risky decisions: a neurophysiological approach. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience13(8), 889-897.
杨紫嫣, 罗宇, 古若雷, 刘云芝, & 蔡华俭*. (2017). 自尊的认知神经机制. 心理科学进展25(5), 788-798.
杨紫嫣, 刘云芝, 余震坤, & 蔡华俭*. (2015). 内隐联系测验的应用: 国内外研究现状. 心理科学进展23(11), 1966-1980.
